What you need is a partner that has your back through ups and downs, mischievous late night problems and occasional service issues. We stand tall when it comes to support.
We go above & beyond for our customers.
of incidents are resolved remotely.
10 mins
average time taken to respond on priority issues.
number of spam messages we block each week.
customer retention.
Proactive Support
Lumic has provided IT and communications support to companies of all sizes and industries across the UK for years and have an understanding of what you require as a business. Our team of approachable and friendly staff have a vast knowledge giving you peace of mind knowing that, whatever happens, your IT and communications needs are looked after.
Our proactive approach means your systems are constantly monitored for any potential issues that may arise, alerting our team before it becomes a major problem for your business.
Our systems are capable of monitoring the key components of any computer including CPU usage, Disk Space (free and used), Memory usage and Network connectivity but also more advanced and potentially more troublesome issues such as disk performance and service status. This monitoring allows us to predict usage trends which help us advise on your data growth and space requirements.
In addition to our proactive support, we also provide advice and technology consulting – to make sure technology is working for you and fuelling the growth of your business.
We get to know you and your business. Remember, we prefer smiles - there is no need for stress and tears. We are here to turn that frown upside down.
We like to ask questions to find out what you would like to achieve now and where your business is heading. We will iron out any worries you may have with your current set up and get a plan in place to make improvements where needed.
Consistency from a dedicated techy.
To assist in a consistent delivery, you get your very own Technical Manager. Dedicated, friendly and qualified who will ensure a smooth and hassle free delivery of all your services. You have just one number to call – a true technology partner.
Experience over buzz words.
We use our experience to make sure what you ask for is what you need. But we go the extra mile – if there are new solutions out there, we’ll make sure you know about them.
Reliability as standard.
Benefit from continuous monitoring, forward thinking and honest advice as standard.